Muhammad Suhaib Mohamed Ibrahim


Suhaib is a commercial litigator who primarily practices in areas of civil and commercial litigation, international and domestic arbitration, corporate litigation and shareholders’ disputes, estate disputes, fraud, and asset recovery. He is a member of the Halal Practice Group in Skrine and is also a current Honorary Treasurer of the Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators.

He has appeared as junior counsel in domestic and international arbitrations, under both AIAC and ICC Rules. He has also been involved in arbitral-related court proceedings such as applications to set aside and enforce arbitral awards.

Suhaib is presently part of a team acting for a beneficiary in a cross-border estate dispute surrounding assets in Malaysia, Hongkong and Shanghai.

He also has experience acting in fraud and asset recovery disputes including obtaining interim injunctions, freezing and search orders. He regularly works with various leading law firms in Singapore, United Kingdom, and the British Virgin Islands.